• Toadstar0 (The Toadstar0, owner of the Tavern we can enjoy our news in.)
• JK_Potato (TN9 Editor & also a writer I think)
• Aggrieved (Text wall writer)
• Waves (Old TN9 Theme)
What is Toad News 9?
"9" -Potato
"its news about toad's tavern at 9 🤷" -DriftSythe
I look forward to TN9! It helps me keep up with what's goin on in Toad's Tavern. I enjoy participating in DDOS and seeing the upcoming events! -Captain Panda
To me, TN9 is a great way to interact with the community and feels like a great introductory point for new members. -Ducki
The first Toad News 9 Video (tagged)